Appraise Gender Equity Social Innovation System (Work Package 1)
Work package 1 will lay the foundation for understanding the benefits of adopting gender equity in policy and practice by analysing and assessing social innovation ecosystems and gender-inclusive innovations in 22 countries. The findings will enable the mapping of stakeholder organisations and actors in the social innovation eco-systems and systematic evaluation of each countries’ gender equity and digital inclusion innovations. This will be further researched by conducting case studies of selected practices and policies in participating countries.
- Develop a new methodology for conducting gender equity audits focused on entrepreneurship and digital inclusion in social innovation ecosystems
- Create a systematic map of stakeholders, which represent a variety of different perspectives on gender equity
- Establish a baseline of gender equity-relevant innovations in policy, ICT products and services, and ICT design and development processes
- Conduct 22 case studies of gender-inclusive social innovation ecosystems in 20 MS and AC and 2 non-European countries
Lead partner: SPIDER Center
Work package leader: Caroline Wamala Larsson (Program Manager at the University of Stockholm, Head of the Research program at SPIDER)Work package 1 activities will produce the following deliverables:
1.1 Methodology and set of indicators for measuring gender equity in social innovation ecosystems
Delivery date: September 2021
1.3 Compendium of innovation for gender equity and digital inclusion
Delivered: December 2021
1.2 Visual map of stakeholders according to need, interest, power and influence
Delivered: December 2021
1.4 Report on Gender Equity in Social Innovation Ecosystems and cases studies of the involved countries
Delivery date: January 2023
Create New Solutions for Gender Equity and Digital Inclusion (Work Package 2)
WP2 will use co-innovation methods to produce new gender equity solutions and ICT products and services. Co-creation processes will be implemented by organizing 12 innovation camps on sustainable gender equity practices and 12 hackathons for developing ICT solutions for digital inclusion in 24 countries (European and non-European).
The results (new policies, process solutions, etc.) of the activities will be evaluated and synthesized and used to create a roadmap for the Gender Equity Tools for Digital Inclusion which will be developed in the WP3. Additionally, the outputs of WP2 will be translated and contextualized for broader promotion and advocacy in non-European countries in the Global North and Global South.
- Compose the structures and agendas for 12 interdisciplinary innovation camps and 12 hackathons hosted in 24 countries and focused on creating new gender equity solutions and ICT products and services
- Host series of 12, one-day innovation camps in collaboration with local public, private, civil society and academic sector organizations in 12 countries to create new gender equity policy and process solutions
- Host series of 12, 24-hour hackathons in 12 countries to develop feasible and realistic ICT products and services for digital inclusion
- Synthesize the results of the innovation camps and hackathons and create a roadmap for sustainable gender equity practices in social innovation and entrepreneurship
Lead partner: Missions Publiques
Work package leaders: Marie-Adèle Elebe (Participatory projects officer) and Maria Tazi (Communication manager for international projects)
Work package 2 activities will produce the following deliverables:
2.1 Repository of event planning materials and design of the events
Delivered: December 2021
2.3 Roadmap for Gender Equity Tools and Two Gender Equity Tools
Delivery date: December 2022
2.2 Compilation of presentations and results from hackathons and innovation camps
Delivery date: June 2022

Transform Gender Inequity into Sustainable Social Impact (Work Package 3)
Whereas WP1 and WP2 are dedicated to identifying and mobilising relevant stakeholders and creating new solutions for gender equity and digital inclusion, WP3 provides strategic advice and guidance and catalyses commercial growth and social impact for 24 women-led start-ups (winner of 24 events organized in WP2) It initiates, oversees, and concludes a program focused on professional development mentorship and training to advance at least 72 social entrepreneurs from 24 countries.
To achieve this, EQUALS-EU will provide business development mentorship and training work placements, co-innovate two Gender Equity Tools for Digital Inclusion (Sustainable Social Impact Model and a Value Creation Model Canvas) and, finally, create and spin-off a network dedicated to advancing gender equity in social innovation and entrepreneurship. Objectives
- Provide business development training for at least 72 social entrepreneurs from 24 countries
- Develop strategic opportunities, partnerships, and markets for 24 new start-ups led by women
- Involve expert and peer representatives as active mentors and advocates for the 24 start-ups
- Co-innovate two Gender Equity Tools for Digital Inclusion
- Spin-off professional network of women and girls in social innovation and entrepreneurship
Lead partner: Global Universal Design Commission Europe (GUDC-EU)
Work package 3 activities will produce the following deliverables:3.1 Repository of training materials
Delivery date: June 2022
3.3 EQUALS-EU professional network business plan (M30)
Delivery date: June 2023
3.2 Sustainable Social Impact Model and Value Creation Model Canvas
Delivery date: December 2022

Exchange Knowledge and Transfer Technology for Gender Equity (Work Package 4)
WP4 will accelerate the impacts of WPs 1, 2, and 3 by leveraging existing stakeholders and innovations (WP1) to develop new leaders (WP2) and reinforce the EQUALS-EU network (WP3). It consists of three tasks and focuses on the professional development of 24 future leaders (one representative per start-up) and advocates in gender equity and digital inclusion. It will promote knowledge exchange and technology transfer within Europe and between European and non-European countries.
This will be realized by designing three joint professional development courses that will be implemented in the international summer school that will consist of three boot camps, one for each of the courses. The summer school will be organized in Kharkiv (Ukraine), Geneva (Switzerland) and Valencia (Spain). Evaluation of the educational quality and learning outcomes of the summer school and will provide recommendations for using the courses to build capacity in non-European countries in the Global North and South. Objectives
- Host colloquium of academic, industry and civil society organizations focused on capacity building and educational cooperation in gender equity
- Co-design three joint courses on women’s digital rights, transformational leadership, and STEM skills.
- Create mobility program and scholarship for 24 future leaders in gender equity and digital inclusion
- Host an international summer school consisting of three one-week professional development boot camps in Kharkiv, Ukraine; Geneva, Switzerland; and Valencia, Spain.
Lead partner: GSM Association
Work package leader: Tamara Dancheva (International Relations Manager at GSMA)
Work package 4 activities will produce the following deliverables:
4.1 Colloquium report
Delivered: December 2021
4.3 Evaluation of boot camps and recommendations for capacity building (M36)
Delivery date: December 2023
4.2 Course descriptions and repository of learning materials
Click here to see teaching materials
Delivery date: December 2022

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
Work package 5 focuses on communication, dissemination and exploitation of the key results from EQUALS-EU. It benefits from the active involvement and close collaboration with the external stakeholder groups to further communicate and disseminate the results to key audiences including countries not covered by the Consortium members and exploit the results beyond the life of the project.
- Ensure that EQUALS-EU results will reach and be endorsed by key stakeholders in European and non-European countries in the Global North and Global South
- Establish and maintain a recognisable and consistent project identity and branding and maintain the necessary internal communications infrastructure for the Consortium
- Streamline all communication and dissemination activity of the Consortium
- Effectively utilize social media and press to communicate the project and its results, smartly leveraging existing platforms and other gender equality initiatives
Lead partner: ALL DIGITAL
Work package leader: Borut Cink (Senior Programme Officer at ALL DIGITAL)
Work package 5 activities will produce the following deliverables:
5.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan and results
Delivery dates: June 2021, December 2021, June 2022, December 2022, June 2023, December 2023
5.3 Project website and social media profiles
Delivered: April 2021
5.5 Social media directory and records
Delivery dates: December 2021, December 2022, December 2023
5.2 Internal communication infrastructure
consortium’s needs to collect, organize, share and store securely all relevant project documents – drafts and final versions, deliverables, reference documents, and project meeting agendas and minutes.
Delivered: February 2021
5.4 Communication and dissemination promo packages and templates
Delivered: June 2021
5.6 Summary report on the endorsement of the Gender Equity Tools for Digital Inclusion
Delivery dates: December 2023
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