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EQUALS EU Summer School Teaching Materials

EQUALS EU Summer School Teaching Materials

Mentoring sessions: Jevgenija Dehtjare, Head of the Development of the Scientific Institution, EKA University of Applied Sciences

Session 1: Presentation of an essay idea

Lesson plan


Session 2: Power of networking

Lesson plan


Impact of Women’s Underrepresentation in Decision-Making: Nina Linde, Chairperson, Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences  (IE-LAS)
Workshop: Tools for the Development of Women’s Leadership in ICT: Ieva Silina, Adviser of innovation and technology to the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia
Diversity and Inclusion in the Heart of Technology: Anna Andersone, CEO and Chair of the Board, Riga TechGirls
Perceptions of Power: Championing Female Leadership in Tech: Tamara Dancheva, Senior International Relations Manager, GSMA
Gender, Power and Media: Dr. Norita Mdege, Research Fellow, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Reassembling society through innovation and technology – Reclaiming (y)our agency: Dr. Caroline Wamala Larsson, Associate Professor in Gender Studies, Director of SPIDER
Global perspectives on equity across continents: insights from Yemen, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and India: Maria Tazi, Missions Publiques and Carolina Earle, IHEID
Five Lessons from a Decade of Innovation, Sustainability, and Leadership: Gregory Pepper, Innovation Designer and Founder, Studio Pepper
Multidimensional Digital Divide: Gender, Aging, and Technology: Ern Chern Khor, Research Assistant in Aging and Technology Policy Lab, KAIST
How to Advance the Inclusion of Refugee Women into the Professional World: Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz, Natalia Luque, Fadya Wahab, Yojoa
ITC workshop: Digital for Trade: James Howe, Head of Digital, Markets and Connectivity at the ITC; Natalya Kozlenkova, Program Manager on e-commerce, Digital Markets and Connectivity, ITC; Cristina Collado Marti
Translating Academic Concepts into International Policy on Connectivity for Good: Tamara Dancheva, Senior International Relations Manager, GSMA
Empowering Women in Place

Course outline

Pre-requisite reading list


Empowering Women in Place: Introduction
María Dolores Pitarch Garrido and Félix Fajardo Magraner, University of Valencia (UVEG)

Cities and Women: Architecture and Mobility with Gender Perspective
Carmen Zornoza and David do la Osada, UVEG

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The Role of Women
Dolores Garzón and Pau Sendra-Ponz, UVEG

Bridging gender gap through Cultural Heritage and Creative Design
Mar Gaitán, UVEG

Identifying the Gender Gap Through Data Visualization
Cristina Portalés, UVEG

The Power of Who: Networks, Leadership and Gender
Javier Serrano, UVEG

Driving Social Innovation via Mobile
Tamara Dancheva, Senior International Relations Manager, GSMA

Charismatic Speaking Workshop
The Forge

The Russafa Neighbourhood, Valencia (Spain): From Marginalization to Gentrification
Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla, Geography Department Universitat de València