EQUALS-EU Latest News
Women innovators talk about their EQUALS-EU experience: Janet Mulu
Janet Mulu (on the right), with her team member Priscilla Eunita Okutoyi, representing #ImpactDev du…
Women innovators talk about their EQUALS-EU experience: Clementina Aina
Clementina Aina, Tech Start-Up Founder, 6C’s Skills Exchange, London, representing #Haven at t…
Women innovators talk about their EQUALS-EU experience: Dr. Arijana Filipić
Dr. Arijana Filipić, Scientific Associate, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National…
EQUALS-EU project presented at the high-level UN SDG Action Weekend in New York City
On 16 September 2023, during the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Action Weeke…
EQUALS-EU Dialogue in Cologne: “Communication, Innovation and Gender in Healthcare”
On 20 July 2023, Dr. Yue Zhao, Head of the Surgical Oncology Research Lab at Department of General, …
EQUALS-EU Summer School empowers women innovators in gender equity and digital inclusion
The EQUALS-EU Summer School, a part of our project’s ambition to support the professional deve…
EQUALS-EU webinar: Closing the skills and gender gap in STEM – Where do we stand?
In the framework of ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023, ALL DIGITAL organised a webinar with the theme “Clo…
EQUALS-EU General Assembly and WSIS Forum 2023 Side Event in Geneva
EQUALS-EU partners gathered at the General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland on 16 March 2023 in paral…
INNOVATION CAMP: Gender Equality in STEM Education and Lifelong Learning
Would you be interested in an informal conversation with others to co-create innovative ideas to fos…
STEM Out of the Box: Women Imagining New Career Paths Beyond Hard Science
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022, EQUALS-EU and SHEMAKES …
Join the #DayWithoutTech campaign!
EQUALS-EU seeks to help close the gender digital divide by promoting gender equitable innovations in…
Event report: Gender Equitable Future in Technology – Tackling Bias
On the 23rd of November, EQUALS-EU and the Graduate Institute’s Technology and Security Initiat…
Gender Equality Index 2021: Fragile gains, big losses
The EU scores 68 points out of 100 in the Gender Equality Index, released today by the European Inst…
About Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) with Ody Neisingh from UN Women
There are many initiatives, campaigns and efforts being realized to decresase the gender gap in diff…
Global support for championing female leadership expressed at EQUALS-EU first public event
On 4th August 2021, EQUALS-EU Consortium hosted a “Perceptions of Power: Championing Female Leadersh…
Live stream: Perceptions of Power event (04/08/2021 from 12:00 onwards)
The event will take place on Zoom. It is divided into two parts, a plenary sessions and workshops. T…
A call for members for Young People’s Reference Group
We are looking for 15 motivated young women and men to join. If you fit the criteria, have a passion…
Perceptions of Power: Championing Female Leadership in the Digital Age
Discuss, brainstorm, and co-create recommendations aimed at empowering rising female digital entrep…
Gender-inclusive innovation workshop at the WSIS 2021
On 21 April 2021, EQUALS-EU Consortium organised an online workshop Gender-inclusive innovation in t…
International Women’s Day: 4 key ecosystem-wide interventions for gender equitable investment
On the occasion of International Women's Day 2021, we talked to Gloria Muhoro, an International Deve…
International Women’s Day: “The greatest opportunity for improvements in gender inclusive investment is diversity.”
On the occasion of International Women's Day 2021, we talked to Angela Restrepo Holter, an angel inv…
International Women’s Day: Interview with Gitanjali Swanym, chair of the Gender Equitable Investment group of EQUALS-EU
On the occasion of International Women's Day 2021, we talked to Gitanjali Swamy, one of the most Inf…
EQUALS-EU project kick-off meeting
EQUALS-EU project kicked off by a Consortium meeting on 20 January 2021 that brought all 19 partners…