HEBREW – לקסיקון מגדר
In the context of the EQUALS-EU project, we recognize the importance of tailoring our lexicon to the linguistic and cultural nuances of each participating country. To achieve this, our consortium partners have made language-specific contributions to the lexicon, ensuring that the terminology and definitions align seamlessly with the national languages and contextual understandings of the respective regions. Below, we present the Hebrew contributions that enrich our lexicon, reflecting the diverse and inclusive approach to data collection for our project.
גיוון (givun) – Diversity
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Variation: גיוון
Comments in English: Diversity in Hebrew is used in reference to populations or any group in which there is variation.
ביטוי לדוגמה:Our faculty is diverse – הסגל שלנו מגוון
שיוון (shivyon) – Equality
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Equality:שיוון (shivyon)
Comments in English: The word in Hebrew is used similarly to the English word – refers to equality but can also mean balance.
ביטוי לדוגמה:The principle of equality is important to me – חשוב לי עיקרון השווין
מגדר (migdar) – Gender
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Gender: מגדר (migdar)
Comments in English:The word is used similarly to the English word – gender – to refer to the gender with which a person identifies.
ביטוי לדוגמה:The survey included questions about gender – הסקר כלל שאלות לגבי מגדר
שיוון מגדרי – Gender Equity
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Gender equality (there is no exact Hebrew equivalent for equity): שיוון מגדרי
Comments in English: The phrase would be used in reference to situations where gender is a factor that is balanced or made equal.
ביטוי לדוגמה: Our company promotes gender equity (equality) – החברה שלנו מקדמת שיוון מגדרי
הכללה (hachlalah) – Inclusion
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – To encompass / contain: הכללה (hachlalah)
Comments in English: The hebrew word is not a good equivalent for inclusion in English as it is used in more technical contexts, typically.
ביטוי לדוגמה:Our company is inclusive of (contains) different group – החברה שלנו מכילה קבוצות שונות
שוליות (shuliyut) – Marginalisation
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – To exclude / push to the side: שוליות (shuliyut)
Comments in English: The word is not used often in Hebrew, but refers to someone/something that is pushed away from the center.
ביטוי לדוגמה: I feel like I am treated in a marginalized way – אני מאגישה שמתייחסים אלי בצורה שולית
מין ( min ) – Sex
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Sex (biological / cis): מין ( min)
Comments in English: This word is used both for gender (assigned at birth), but also for sex itself (i.e. the activity).
This can be confusing for a non-native speaker, as you need to know the context to interpret what the meaning is.
ביטוי לדוגמה: The child’s sex is male – המין של הילד הוא זכר
קיימות (kayamut) – Sustainability
תרגום מילולי לאנגלית – Existence – continuing to exist: קיימות (kayamut)
Comments in English: The word is a newly popular term used in the same way as the English word. For example, universities will promote their programs as fostering sustainability.
ביטוי לדוגמה: Sustainability is an important value in our university – קיימות הוא ערך חשוב באוניברסיטה שלנו
We are aware of the global, legislative, and academic definitions that exist for gender terminologies and the consortium drew from these definitions in tailoring the research tools to their contexts. The EQUALS-EU lexicon does not purport to redefine or displace the existing definitions, our intention is to share through our lexicon the approaches adopted per country when collecting the data for the project. We hope this may inspire and perhaps be a useful tool for those wishing to support and work with more gender-inclusive innovation processes.