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Italian – Gender Lexicon


In the context of the EQUALS-EU project, we recognize the importance of tailoring our lexicon to the linguistic and cultural nuances of each participating country. To achieve this, our consortium partners have made language-specific contributions to the lexicon, ensuring that the terminology and definitions align seamlessly with the national languages and contextual understandings of the respective regions. Below, we present the Italian contributions that enrich our lexicon, reflecting the diverse and inclusive approach to data collection for our project.

Diversity – Diversità

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Diversity: Diversità; varietà

Comments in English: Diversità refers to the diversity among people, things and features;
varietà concern the quantity of several aspects or subjects.

Frase d’esempio: La nostra impresa promuove la diversità di opinioni tra i suoi impiegati
In English:The organisation promotes the diversity of opinions among its employees 

Equality – Uguaglianza

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Equality: Uguaglianza; parità

Comments in English: Uguaglianza refers to the access to equal rights;
parità concerns the state of fairness and justice of opportunities.

Frase d’esempio: La società liberale supporta la parità di diritti fra i propri cittadini.
Il mercato del lavoro stabilisce l’uguaglianza tra uomini e donne.

In English
: Liberal society supports the equality among its citizens. The job market guarantees equality between men and

Gender – Genere

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Gender

Comments in English: Difference between men and women; recently, gender starts to refer
to a larger and non-binary people. In grammar, gender is the categorization of feminine
and masculine of nouns, pronouns, adjectives. Finally, the expression “In genere” means

Frase d’esempio: Il genere è un tratto della personalità (= Gender is a feature of personality)

Gender equity – Parità di genere

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Gender equity

Comments in English:

Frase d’esempio: La parità di genere include stessi salari per tutti gli
impiegati (= Gender equity requires same salary for all the employees)

Inclusion – Inserimento; integrazione

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese -:

Comments in English: the words may be used as synonyms

Frase d’esempio: Le politiche hanno il dovere di favorire l’integrazione sociale
(= Policies must support the social inclusion)

Mainstream – Opinione corrente; tendenza dominante

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Mainstream: Opinione corrente; tendenza dominante

Comments in English: The English word is used more frequently than the italian translation

Frase d’esempio: La musica pop è la tendenza dominante (= Pop music is a mainstream nowadays)

Marginalisation – – Marginalizzazione

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese -:

Comments in English:

Frase d’esempio: La discriminazione genera la maginalizzazione di gruppi sociali
(= Discrimination involves the marginalization of some social groups)

Sex – Sesso

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Sex:

Comments in English:

Frase d’esempio: Sex is a biological feature of living organisms
(= Il sesso è una caratteristica biologica degli esseri viventi)

Sustainability – Sostenibilità

Traduzione letterale dall’inglese – Sustainability:

Comments in English: Often used as a synonym of ecology

Frase d’esempio: L’azienda valuta la sostenibilità dei costi (The organization considers the sustainability of costs)

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We are aware of the global, legislative, and academic definitions that exist for gender terminologies and the consortium drew from these definitions in tailoring the research tools to their contexts. The EQUALS-EU lexicon does not purport to redefine or displace the existing definitions, our intention is to share through our lexicon the approaches adopted per country when collecting the data for the project. We hope this may inspire and perhaps be a useful tool for those wishing to support and work with more gender-inclusive innovation processes.