In the context of the EQUALS-EU project, we recognize the importance of tailoring our lexicon to the linguistic and cultural nuances of each participating country. To achieve this, our consortium partners have made language-specific contributions to the lexicon, ensuring that the terminology and definitions align seamlessly with the national languages and contextual understandings of the respective regions. Below, we present the Norwegian contributions that enrich our lexicon, reflecting the diverse and inclusive approach to data collection for our project.
Diversity – Mangfold
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk – Diversity: Many | Fold = group so many group(s)
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between
Eksempel frase: I Norge finnes det et mangfold av mennesker med ulike kulturelle bakgrunner.
In Norway there is a diversity of people with different cultural backgrounds.
Equality – Likestilling
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk – Equality: Like = Similar | stilling = position
Comments in English: There are no words in Norwegian that differentiates Equality and
Equity as far as we have noted. Some might translate Equality as “likestilling” and Equity
as “rettferdighet”, but “rettferdighet” and “likestilling”
are not two words people use like Equity and equality.
Eksempel frase: I Norge jobber vi for likestilling mellom menn og kvinner.
Alle skal ha likhet for loven. / Med likestilling betyr det at alle i samfunnet
skal ha like rettigheter og muligheter, uavhengig av deres kjønn, etnisitet, funksjonsevne,
religion, seksuell orientering, alder, m.m.
In English: Equality means that everyone in a society should have equal rights and opportunities, regardless
of their gender, ethnicity, functional ability, religion, sexual orientation, age etc.
Gender – Kjønn
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk – Gender
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonym.
Eksempel frase: Kjønn er et bredt begrep som er både kulturelt, biologisk og sosialt, og betrakter
både kropp, juridisk kjønn, kjønnsuttrykk og kjønnsidentitet.
Gender is a broad term that is both cultural, biological, and social, and that considers both ones’
physical body, legal sex, gender expression, and gender identity.
Gender Equity – Likestilling mellom kjønnene
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk – Gender Equity across genders
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonyms
Eksempel frase: Likestilling mellom kjønnene handler om at mennesker av alle kjønn skal kunne
delta i samfunnet på like vilkår.
Gender equity is about people of all genders being able to participate in society on equal terms.
Inclusion – Inclusion
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk: Inclusion
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonyms
Eksempel frase: Alle skal oppleve inkludering og tilhørighet i samfunnet, uavhengig deres kjønn,
religion, etnisk bakgrunn eller andre aspekter.
All people shall experience inclusion and a sense of belonging in society regardless if their gender,
religion, ethnic background or other aspects.
Mainstreaming – Hovedstrømning / kjønnsintegrering / kjønnsmaintreaming (most commonly used)
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk: Mainstreaming
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonyms
Eksempel frase: Kan du gi meg en oversikt over hovedstrømningene i norsk musikk etter 2020?
/ Kjønnsintegrering er viktig å jobbe mot og ivareta – fra barnehage til utforming av politikk.
Gender integration is important to work towards and maintain – from kindergarten to policy making.
Marginalisation – Marginalisering
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk: Same as in English
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonyms
Eksempel frase: Mange minoriteter er marginaliserte – faller utenfor i arbeidslivet.
Many minorities are marginalized – left out of working life /left out of the work force.
Sex – Kjønn, sex
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk:
Comments in English: Can be used both as a gender term and as sexual intercourse
Eksempel frase: Kjønn er et bredt begrep som er både kulturelt, biologisk og sosialt,
og betrakter både kropp, juridisk kjønn, kjønnsuttrykk og kjønnsidentitet.
Gender is a broad term that is both cultural, biological, and social, and that considers
both ones’ physical body, legal sex, gender expression, and gender identity.
Sustainability – Bærekraftig
Bokstavelig oversettelse på engelsk: Bære = carry | kraft = power (litteral translation power
to carry)
Comments in English: usage of the word, and its tonality or feel; difference between synonyms
Eksempel frase: Å jobbe med bærekraft er avgjørende for alle virksomheter.
Working with sustainability is crucial for all businesses.
We are aware of the global, legislative, and academic definitions that exist for gender terminologies and the consortium drew from these definitions in tailoring the research tools to their contexts. The EQUALS-EU lexicon does not purport to redefine or displace the existing definitions, our intention is to share through our lexicon the approaches adopted per country when collecting the data for the project. We hope this may inspire and perhaps be a useful tool for those wishing to support and work with more gender-inclusive innovation processes.